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Running Wild Page 13

  “I’d love that.” He huffed. “So this Real Werewife thing, how does that work?”

  “They’re supposed to be mates for the team.” Gunnar hadn’t mentioned a mate. “You in the market?”

  “If they’re all like Naomi, maybe I’ll reconsider football.”

  “Nah. No one’s like Naomi.” I took off running. It felt good to be back on Faraway Island, but it wasn’t home anymore. My home was with my mate and with my team.

  Epilogue—Game One


  I was Sebastian Connall’s biggest fan. Didn’t matter that he had yet to play his first game in the Continental Football Association, I knew he was the best player they had. He lived and breathed football, worked long hours and trained hard. I reaped the rewards of it every night in our bed. He laughed at my bad jokes, gave me a ton of ideas for my blog, and didn’t seem to mind that I frequently had a television crew lurking in the shadows, capturing our every move.

  I was head over heels in love with him. So much so that my mother had to come and see the guy who took her poor, thirty-year-old, previously unmarriageable daughter off the market.

  “Why are you holding back, my love?” Sebastian could barely tear his lips from my skin. I writhed underneath him, but with my wrists bound by the sheet to the headboard and his strong hands on my hips, there was no escape from his wicked tongue.

  If I bit my lip any harder, I’d draw blood. “Because the guest room isn’t that far away. Apparently you haven’t been paying that much attention to my mother.” It was torture to try to talk while Sebastian rolled my nipple on his tongue.

  “She’s a great lady, but I’m much more interested in her daughter.” He scraped his teeth against the sensitive nub.

  I hummed in approval. “If she hears us in here, she won’t hesitate to barge in and give us pointers.”

  “I don’t need any pointers.” His body rumbled against mine. He was covered in a slick of sweat as he hooked my ankles over his shoulders. I whimpered as he ran his thumb over my clit. His eyes were on fire. “Not for what I’m going to do to you.”

  He angled his thick shaft and entered me. I loved the way he filled me, stretching me inch by inch. Rocking his hips back, he slammed against me, taking complete control of my body. The headboard crashed against the wall. My wolf had no intention of keeping his feeling for me secret.

  “I’m gonna mark you, Naomi.” He could barely speak. “It will only hurt for a second.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “My claws will break your skin.” They pressed against the soft curve of my ass. “It will leave a mark. I’ll be the only one who can see it. But it means you’re mine forever. Is that okay with you?”

  “I always wanted a tattoo.” I could barely form words.

  Sebastian thrust hard and fast. Pressure built deep inside, and my body pulsed around him, never wanting to let him go. He knew my body, he broke my skin at the very moment the corners of my vision darkened. Three hot scratches across my behind.

  I belonged to him. Forever.

  TO SOFTEN THE BLOW of all the I told you sos, Mom made my favorite carrot cake cupcakes. “I’ll have to teach you how to make these for Sebastian,” she said as I polished off my second one for breakfast.

  “He doesn’t eat sweets during the season. Something about staying in football shape. Don’t worry, I have no interest in getting in football shape.” I put on a second pot of coffee. “So you can still teach me how to make them. Since it looks like we might be staying here for a while.”

  “Naomi, sit down. You’ve been all over this kitchen since I came downstairs.” Mom took the mug out of my hand. “You’re making me crazy.”

  Sitting was out of the question. My ass stung like crazy from Sebastian’s claws and I loved every second of it. There was no way I could explain to her that I’d been marked. She only seemed to humor the wolf thing since it meant her daughter was never going to be single again. “I’m nervous about the game today.”

  “He’ll be great.” She put her hand over mine. “Now relax.”

  Sebastian originally signed a one-year deal with the Bloodhounds, but they were already talking to him about offering an extension. I hoped they did. We were starting to settle in and getting to know the guys on the team. We’d been to see Gunnar a couple times since the big showdown on Faraway Island, and he’d come for the game today. He and Sebastian left for the stadium early. Sebastian had crazy nerves about the first game and my meddling mother did nothing to calm them.

  “I like him.” Mom got up from the table and started cleaning. I was about to tell her that I’d do it, but I finally understood her need to make sure I was taken care of. I’d missed her. “I’m glad you gave him a chance.”

  I laughed. “I could tell you about destiny and things that are meant to be but then you’ll just remind me you were right all along.”

  Mom waved her hand. “Actually, you were the one who was right all along. You refused to settle until you found the one.”

  “Told you so.”

  “Are you ready to go to the game? I’m excited to tailgate.” Mom packed way too much food. I tried to explain to her that we had a spot in the family section, and no one would be tailgating, but we’d have way more fun if we parked with the ticket holders. I was all decked out in my Connall jersey and I wanted to feed off the excitement of the fans before the very first Bloodhounds game.

  “Yeah, let me call Tessa. She’ll put out an APB on me if we don’t show up with the rest of the Werewives.”

  “You shouldn’t give her such a hard time.” Mom had been on the receiving end of more than one of my rants. “If it weren’t for her, you wouldn’t have met Sebastian.”

  Yeah, yeah, yeah. I texted Tessa to let her know I planned on tailgating with my family.

  Sounds like fun, she answered. Let us know where you park. I have a surprise for you.

  A good surprise or a bad surprise? I glanced at my mother, wondering if she was in on it. Mom loved surprises.

  You’ll see.

  Ugh. The parking lot was mayhem when we pulled in, and it was awesome. So many people were excited to see the Bloodhounds play. I never realized how football brought people together and gave them an escape and something to root for.

  Dad mumbled his favorite curse words as he set up the grill, and Mom unwrapped the food. She made friends with our neighbors, offering them baked goods and whispering a plea for them to help out my dad.

  “Nice jersey,” one of the guys said as he finished putting together the grill. “That guy’s going to be a beast for us.”

  “Yeah, he’s pretty awesome.” I was so proud of Sebastian. This was what he worked so hard for.

  “They’re a couple, my daughter and Sebastian.” Mom of course couldn’t help herself.

  The guy raised an eyebrow and high-fived me. “Nice. Tell him we’re all rooting for him. Go Bloodhounds!”

  “Go Bloodhounds.” Once everything was set up, I sunk into a camping chair with a beer. My ass was still sore. At the bottom of the first bottle, I didn’t mind so much when Tessa and crew arrived. I jumped up as soon as I saw them, offering them some of Mom’s cooking.

  “Take it. She’s an amazing cook. And she won’t leave you alone until she feeds you.” I laughed.

  “Naomi,” Mom scolded. “They could be recording.”

  “Not yet. We had to get Mr. and Mrs. Hart’s permission to have them on film before we turned on the cameras.”

  “Of course.” Mom nudged Dad as he put burgers on plates and he nodded.

  “Okay.” Tessa grinned at me as the camera operator got things rolling. “Are you excited about the game today?”

  “I can’t wait for the game.” That wasn’t why they came to film. “Sebastian and the Bloodhounds are going to kill it.”

  “Go Bloodhounds!” She raised her arms and got everyone around us to cheer for the team. I held my jersey up and a couple of them went extra crazy. “We’ve had our ups and do
wns during the production of Real Werewives, but overall, it’s been a pleasure working with you, Naomi. You’ve kept us on our toes and you threw in a couple curveballs.”

  “See?” I nudged Mom. “I drive everyone crazy.”

  She sighed. “It’s a talent.”

  “We really think the audience will fall in love with you the same way we did.” Tessa grinned. She was being totally sincere. “Contingent on the series ratings, the network would like to offer you your own show. Naomi Harts Travel. What do you think?”

  I clapped my hand over my mouth. I’d only had one beer, so I couldn’t be drunk-imagining this. They wanted to give me a show. Because they thought people would like me. “Holy crap. Yes.”

  Mom made a yelping noise that I knew meant she was proud of me before tackling me with a hug. “I’m so proud of you, sweetie.”

  “Okay,” Tessa said. “I’ll let them know you’re interested.”

  “I have to read the contract first this time.” I laughed. “No more surprises.”

  I was on cloud freaking nine walking into the stadium. My own show. I had such a hard time getting the people around me to take the blog seriously, like it was some way for me to run away from responsibility again. Even the production company. They never expected me to stick out the Werewives show, and now they wanted me for another one.

  It was even better they asked me in front of my parents. I wanted them to be proud of me, I really did.

  “We get to watch the game from the sidelines?” Dad was on cloud nine, too. He was a huge football fan, and he’d been talking to Sebastian about the game ever since the plane landed.

  “Yeah, Coach said each week one player could have his family on the field. And the first week is our week.” I shielded my eyes from the sun, looking for Gunnar. I found him, talking to a couple of the trainers. He waved and motioned he’d be over in a minute.

  Watching the game this close to the field was amazing. I’d only been a casual football fan, but this close to the action, the game was larger than life. Sebastian was in full game mode, like a machine. He shred the defense, weaving through holes, and throwing blocks for the wide receivers on the passing plays. Dad explained the plays to me I didn’t understand, and Mom almost got run over by one of the guys on the other team.

  I didn’t know how I’d ever sit in the stands for the rest of the season.

  By halftime, Sebastian had rushed for two touchdowns. One was a long running play, and the other was a sweet reward for a punishing set of downs, finally pushing the pile into the end zone on fourth and inches. The crowd chanted his name as the team ran toward the tunnel for halftime. But they didn’t leave the field.

  Sebastian stopped in front of me, covered in a slick of sweat and panting to catch his breath. He took off his helmet and his eyes glowed. That beautiful amber fire he reserved for battle. Or for when he was alone with me.

  “You were amazing.” I kissed his damp cheek.

  “Look up at the screen,” he said, turning around to face it. The camera was trained on us. No big surprise, because Tessa and the crew weren’t too far away.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, if you would please turn your attention to the jumbotrons in the end zones.” The announcer’s voice boomed through the stadium. The crowd went wild when they saw Sebastian, chanting Connall! Connall! Connall!

  That was so fucking hot.

  “I’m so proud of you,” I said before Tessa handed him a microphone. The crowd hushed when he held it up. They were eating out of his hands. My heart was so full it threatened to burst.

  Sebastian fell to one knee, looked up at me, and held his hand out. No, he was not doing what I thought he was doing. I took his hand and he squeezed it. The crowd was chanting again, this time it was say yes!

  I side-eyed my mom. She clutched her hands to her chin, tears streaming down her face.

  “Naomi Hart, I never believed in a destined mate until I met you. Would you give me the honor of spending forever with you?”

  Say yes! Say yes!

  Sebastian held the microphone up to me. I didn’t feel like I’d be so terrible at forever anymore. “Yes.”

  He dropped the mic, and the crowd went wild as he rose to his feet to take me in his arms and swallowed me in a long, hot kiss.


  I hope you loved reading Sebastian and Naomi’s story as much as I enjoyed writing it! I’ve had this concept kicking around in my head for a while, and I’m thrilled to see it finally come to life. It combines some of my favorite things—sexy as sin football players, the TV production industry (my day job), and of course, shifters! I had so much fun writing this, especially when I got to geek out about football.

  Next up is Gunnar and Delilah’s story, Reindeer Games. Stefan’s back and the Bloodhounds have to take care of him. But single mom Delilah’s looking for a smokin’ hot shifter who can save Christmas, and buck shifter Gunnar knows exactly what kind of magic will make her son believe again.

  And he’s got some magic for her too.

  One-click Reindeer Games now!

  Can’t get enough shifters in your life? Me neither! I have a brand new series called The Smoky Mountain Dragons. If you’re into hot, cursed dragons, thirty-something heroines who are coming to terms with the magic inside them, meddling grandmas, and love spells that come true on the pagan holidays, don’t miss this series! It starts with Love Spell:

  My grandmother promised me to a hot, cursed dragon who happens to be her mortal enemy.

  Why does she want me to spend the rest of my life with a man she calls ‘lizard breath’?

  She’s an enchantress and she cast a love spell over Tyson Drake fifty years ago. It failed pretty spectacularly, and he’s been trapped in his human form ever since. But she's convinced I can change things. That the magic she’s been teaching me about is enough to make the spell come true.

  Now Tyson’s willing to give my gran’s magic one more try and take a chance on me.

  I can’t stop thinking about him, but will becoming Tyson’s mate be enough to make him finally shift into his dragon form, or will my magic be the death of him?

  Check out Love Spell now!

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  Keep reading for an excerpt from Reindeer Games...

  Reindeer Games


  “Come home, Mom.” Jeremy, my only son, had been taught to ask for exactly what he wanted. I thought my life would be easier if I didn’t have a whiner on my hands. What I’d actually done was teach him to reach into my chest and rip out my heart.

  “Sweetie, you know I can’t do that.” I kept my voice as steady as possible. I could usually keep the tears at bay until we finished the video chat. “I’m working.”

  It was the easiest way to explain to a ten-year-old why I’d left him with his grandparents in Phoenix to be a Real Werewife of Alaska. He wouldn’t understand I signed up for the TV show for him. I couldn’t watch him struggle anymore without a dad. He needed things only a strong man in his life could give him.

  After a series disastrous dates with various members of the Alaska Bloodhounds, I wasn’t sure I was doing the right thing. For either of us.

  “Why can’t you do it here?” he asked. We’d been through this before, but Jeremy didn’t give up when they wanted something, and neither did I. “You used to have a job in Phoenix. Before Dad died.”

  Tears sliced through my makeup. I hoped he didn’t notice. “This is a different kind of job. I can only do it in Alaska. Tell me about school today. How was football practice?”

  “I quit the team,” he said, looking away from the camera. The dark cloud over my son’s head spread from Arizona to Alaska. “I’m sick of it. Coach wasn’t playing me anymore, anyway.

  “You love football.” If I were home, being a mother instead of chasing after a shapeshifter, I’d march his ass to practice every day and find out what the hell was going on with his coach. My parents spoiled Jeremy, and they wouldn’t push him to do anything he didn’t want to do. But that was the sacrifice I made to be here.

  You’re here for him. Don’t forget that.

  “How do you know? You’re not here.” He huffed, looking back at the screen with nothing but scorn. “When are you coming home?”

  “Not until the end of football season.” Which felt like an eternity. Jeremy had been excited about me working with the newest team in the league, until he started missing his momma. “But I’ll see you before that. You’re coming up to spend Christmas with me. We’ll have to let Santa Claus know that you’re a lot closer than you used to be.”

  Jeremy’s scoff almost knocked me off my seat. “There’s no such thing as Santa, Mom.”

  Oh, shit. “Since when? That’s news to me.” I needed my son to believe in magic so I could keep believing, too.

  “Since forever.” He folded his arms in front of his chest, and he wouldn’t entertain any counter arguments. “It’s a lie adults tell little kids to bribe them to be good.”

  “I don’t know who you’ve been talking to, mister, but they’re giving you some bad information.” I wanted to go home. Jeremy needed at least one parent in his life while I searched for a replacement for my late husband. I should’ve known better than to think anyone could fill his shoes. “When you come visit me, I’ll prove to you that Santa Claus exists.”

  I pressed the tablet to my chest when I hung up, like my heartbeat could transmit my hopes and dreams for Jeremy all the way to Arizona. Home. Nothing could prepare me for how hard it was to be away from him.

  “That’s a cut.” Tessa, The Real Werewives producer, rubbed my back while I cried. “I know how tough this is, Delilah. I’m away from my kids, too. Jeremy might not understand why you have to do this now, but he will.”